Now you can easily improve your search ranking by applying organic search engine optimization tips on your website, blog, pages and posts.

As we all believe, on the internet, Content is the King!

…And targeted traffic comes from search engine.

So we need to target those areas that bring traffic to your website or blog.

According to my personal experience, everybody wants to get higher ranking on Google. In fact, people want to get their place on number 1. And, I always say to my clients to be focus and consistent as it will take little time and lot of testing to switch search position on search engine.

Today, I am writing this post to share most required organic search engine optimization tips to improve your web ranking on search engine.

So let’s dig into it step by step:

1) Focus on Website/blog Foundation

Yes, I am saying to focus on blog/website foundation as it’s important to sustain your identity in long run.


Think like a house built with wrong material but constructed and decorated. Do you think, it will survive if something wrong happens?

I think you all agree with this that a good house must have the strong foundation to deal with all hazards.

Now think about your website,  it also likes a house example.

But how?

Like you take domain the address and then you build a website which is same like a house.

So it needs to be developed using the contemporary method, tool, and standards.

And, these 3 ingredients (Hosting, Web structure, and Content) will lay a strong foundation of the website:

2) Take Trusted Hosting Service That Doesn’t Suck

Hosting is the main foundation of your website where your website files reside. Actually, it’s a remote server where your website files and data lives.

So be attentive when selecting your host especially when you go for website design. Here, I must say, don’t go for cheap services as it will become a headache in the long run so focus to get quality and economical hosting with the good host.

Here, I wrote about hosting services so you may have a look in that if you are going to start your blog or website and looking for economical and trusted hosting packages.

Best Web Hosting Services

Trusted and a well-equipped host will provide quality services that Google search loves to see reliable, outage-free and non-intermitted content to rank organic traffic.

3) SEO Friendly and Responsive Website Structure

Next, the website layout and structure. It’s important as poorly coded website never get high ranking on Google search.

It’s important to keep a focus on quality website design and technical structure. Website database and related files should be well coded according to standards. Make sure the website is user-friendly and responsive. WordPress, PrestaShop Themes, Joomla, Drupal, and Magento Themes are the most required web platforms that you can use as per your website requirements.

To improve organic search ranking, website design, layout, and structure should be on priority.

4) Keyword Based Content

Content is the main foundation area that brings quality traffic. Traffic comes with ‘keyword’ and keywords distribute content on the search engine.

Be remember, Google search engine crawl data on the basis of keyword demand.

…But, who determined the keyword demand?


Yes, people searches create demand. Like if 10K people are asking about ‘good website design’ so it will be demanding keyword and Google rank content on the basis of keywords.

Recommended to Use Long Tail Keywords to Create Your Content

Long tail keywords are based on combinational words so it’s advisable to place long tail keywords in your content to get a higher ranking.

Many people also ask the reason to use long tail keywords.

Actually, the long tail keywords are lower in a competition so there is high chance to rank content for that specific keyword.

For example;

I used this keyword on Keyword planner tool (Google recommended tool to find targeted keywords)

“Wordpress Hosting”

And I got following results:

search engine optimization tips

So in above picture, we can easily analyze that if I use the keyword “Wordpress Hosting” so competition is high but if I use the combinational keyword like “best WordPress hosting” then the competition is getting down.

In the same way, If I go to more targeted and long tail keyword from planner list then there are more chances to get ranked on the search engine.

Long tail keywords are effective to get listed on search engine with higher rank.

Now to extend this talk, I want to search the same keyword on Google.

Like below picture

seo tips

In the same way, Google also suggest some more combination keywords to write optimized and targeted content: Like below picture

seo tips

In reference to above details, it’s recommended to use long tail keywords to improve organic search ranking.

5) Make Sure to Use Keywords in Headings

Headings are the most important and targeted area to improve search ranking.

We can’t ignore headings.

Especially right after 300 words.

Heading 1 <H1>

Heading 2 <H2>

are important to rank content with Focus keyword.

Heading 1 is normally important to present content title with the main keyword

Next, you can use Heading 2 again with the main keyword.

I know, you must have the question like what would be the value of these header tags and how it affect the SEO, especially to rank and index content.

Well, the heading actually provides more maturity to your content. Like the main heading should be classified as H1 and rest are H2, H3 and so on.. It helps Google crawlers to retain your main keyword.

If you are working on SEO then I recommend using headers with focus keyword as it creates influence on the ranking process and it can be considered as one of the recommended search engine optimization tips that you can’t ignore.

6) Use Outbound and Internal Links in Your Web Content

Link building is also important to get a higher ranking. Optimization is all about making connections with other content to improve content authority.

Use Outbound link (links pointed to other websites). Actually, These links play a vital role in deciding your website’s niche and authority in search engines. According to research and practical experience, content linked with reputed website encourage ranking crawlers to index the content with higher value.

Make sure, whenever you use external links the links should take your site to the trusted page. Never sell links nor point your link to spam sites as it will harm the value of your website.

In the same way, internal link keeps your content connected in a loop.

7) Add Optimized Images

It always recommended using optimized images on your website. Google search doesn’t like non-necessary heavy and bulky images with irrelevant names. These type of content is not preferred by Google crawlers.

For image optimization, just focus on 3 areas:

  • File name: Better to keep main file name on focus keyword as it helps crawlers to segregate content with the same name.
  • File Alt Tag is the alt attribute which is an HTML attribute applied to image tags to provide a text alternative for search engines.

You can use it like;

<img src=”wordpress_hosting.jpg” alt=”Wordpress hosting” />

Alt tag basically uses for optimization purpose as crawlers can’t read images and videos so it becomes readable if you properly use Alt tags.

  • File size: It’s important to compress the images before placing on web content. In this way, images become more optimized in terms of size and bytes. Heavy and bulky images are not advisable to place on web pages as it keeps your website slow due to heavy size.

To optimize the image size you can manage it in graphics software or on Pic Monkey. After that, you can use Tinypng to compress the image without losing the quality.

8) Check Website Performance

Website performance has become a ranking factor and it really provides big boom if your website is a high performance like it loading fast, page size in bytes and another factor that keeps the website slow is also on the lower side. Actually, a bad performing website results in a bad user experience, and sites with user experiences deserve less promotion in search results.

But what is Google measuring? And how does that play into search engine rankings?

website performance

In reference to above performance report of Dillenium taken from GTmartix showing following details:

Performance Score: Page Speed Score, YSlow Score

Page Details: Fully load time, Total Page Size and Requests

If everything is in Green that means your website is good otherwise you need to work on those areas that are below the average limit.

I will also write a post on website performance in which I will show all points to get 90+ page score.

9) Add Website on Google Search Console

All the effort are useless if the website is not submitted to search engine and you can easily do it by using Google search Console. Also called Google webmaster tool. Here, you can track all details like how many pages and images indexed and in case of any error Google notify you about the problem and you can fix it to work smoothly.

By using Search console you can easily monitor and maintain your site’s presence in Google Search results.

To improve ranking, you can see top website pages in “Search Queries” area. It’s a big opportunity to rank content with great CTR.

10) Get Targeted Backlinks

Backlinks or the inbound links are basically the links that have been linked from another website to your website also called incoming links. A page with many backlinks gets a higher rank on search engine.

Getting quality backlink is the most important task for every blogger or web writer. White label backlinks actually improve your page authority on the search engine.

Brian Dean from Backlinko has recently written about Backlink sources in detail.

By using these sources, you can easily get some quality backlinks that can play an important role to improve your web presence on the search engine.

If you are looking organic search engine optimization tips then getting backlink is the most required way to improve ranking in short time.

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