In line of Twitter Tips and Tricks, let’s check out some latest Twitter apps, tools and keyboard shortcuts. As we all know, Twitter recently launched the new version of their site facilitating users to engage with new functions and embedded features. How it could be more beneficial for their users?? and how users can take benefits to improve their businesses in more effective way. Let’s have a look on it.

Operate your Twitter using Keyboard shortcuts

Shortcuts Actions for tweets:
Click “f” to favorite a tweet (must have an individual tweet open
Click “r” to reply to a tweet (must have an individual tweet open
Click “t” to retweet (must have an individual tweet open
Click “m” to send a direct message (must have an individual tweet open
Click “n” to create a new tweet (can do this on anywhere on Twitter)
Click “Enter” to see tweet details (must use navigation shortcut “j” first to make this one work
Click “l” to close all open tweets (open a few tweets using the “Enter” shortcut and then try closing them)

Shortcuts for Navigation:
Click “Shift” and “?” for a list of all keyboard shortcuts
Click “j” to go to the next tweet (can do on homepage or your timeline)
Click “k” to go to the previous tweet (can do on homepage or your timeline)
Click the space bar to page down
Click “/” to search
Click / to jump to the search box
Click “.” to load new tweets

Shortcuts  for Timelines
Click “g” then “h” to go home
Click “g” then “c” to go to the Connect page
Click “g” then “m” to go to your direct messages
Click “g” then “d” to go to the Discover page
Click “g” then “p” to go to your profile
Click “g” then “f” to go to your favorites
Click “g” then “m” to go to your direct messages
Click “g” then “u” to search for any user’s timeline

Top Twitter Integration Tools to enhance your Followers

There’s no better time to start utilizing Twitter integration tools than right now. Here are 10 of the most useful ways to start turning your site readers into Twitter followers, and vice versa:
Add Tweets: Allows you to make your own Twitter update widgets for your site or blog using javascript.
Twitterfeed: A tool which enables you to post your blog to Twitter and Facebook through your RSS feed.
Follow Me On Twitter Buttons: A blog post which offers multiple choices for “Follow me on Twitter” buttons.
Loudtwitter: Ships your tweets to your blog and allows you to find all the tweets that contain a specific term or phrase – be it a person, a domain name, or any phrase in general.
PingTwitter: Enables you to automatically update your Twitter account when you publish a new blog post.
Chirrup: A PHP Script that allows you to collect Twitter comments for your site. A site which allows you to deliver your content to Twitter, Facebook and other social media channels.
Twignature: A decent translated Japanese application to take your username and create a usable Twitter signature for websites and e-mail.
Twit Counter: Offers a variety of widgets and buttons that people can add to their blogs, websites or social network profiles to show recent Twitter visitors and number of followers.
Digg Digg: A WordPress plugin, which is used to integrate social media sites such as Reddit, LinkedIn, Yahoo Buzz and more.

Top Twitter Utilities to improve your tweeting..
Are you still looking for the best Twitter services and utilities that are able to enhance your tweeting experience and bring more value to it? Look no more for today we will be sharing with you the top 10 Twitter utilities available on the web: The best URL shortner around used by various Twitter applications directly or to leverage their bookmarklets. A highly valuable service that allows you to publish your updates to many social networks simultaneously.
Visibli: Optimizing engagement means sharing great content– even if it isn’t your own. The Engagement Bar shows your brand above each linked page to keep you top-of-mind. Also has analytics.

Tweepi: A great Twitter management tools with stats which allows you to follow, flush, reciprocate and clean up your Twitter account based on users’ activity, engagement, retweets and so on.
Twitter Split: An interesting tool you can install to allow you to track links in tweets you post.
TrueTwit: A Twitter validation tool that helps automate some key services.
Twit Longer: A simple tool which allows you to send longer Tweets.
Twitter Keys: Blog post with a variety of little icons and images you can add into your tweets to make them more fun and expressive.
Follow Friday Helper: Let’s you easily build thank you & other messages to people who mention, RT, etc. you.
TwimeMachine: An easy way to see all your past Tweets.

Other Twitter Tips and Tricks for better performance and to get better results
  • Looking for people to follow? Check out Twitter’s suggestions.
  • Running out of space in your tweets? Shorten linksSave searches to save time.
  • Focus on professional branding to enhance your identity.
  • Create lists to make it easier to follow your favorite people.
  • Add the brand new “Follow” button to your blog or website.
  • Looking for a quick way to see who your friends are following?
  • Looking for a specific tweet? Try Twitter’s Advanced Search.
  • Enable HTTPS to make browsing Twitter more secure.
  • Concerned about privacy? Delete the locations you’ve attached to all of your tweets.