Making an effective SEO strategy align you on a success path to get organic traffic from search engine. Targeted keyword plays a vital role to create optimized content and to improve blog post ranking. As we all know and I have discussed in various places in my blog posts that Google search crawlers target optimized content to rank on search engine although the other performance based parameters are linked with Google ranking system. But here we are only targeting keyword based content to improve blog post ranking on search engine.

For convenience and to have a quick look, I created an infographic that will tell you to focus on 10 main points or simple ways to organically improve blog post ranking on search engine.

Infographic – 10 Simple and Organic Ways to Improve Blog Post Ranking on Search Engine | Valid for Google, Yahoo, and Bing

  1. Start with Keyword Research
    • Use Keyword planner to find keywords
    • Try to find long tail keywords
    • Avoid high competition keyword
  2. Always use Focus keyword in URL
    • URL slug should not be too long
    • URL slug should not be too long
    • Focus to use keyword at start
  3. Try to use Keyword in the first paragraph
    • Use keyword in the first paragraph of the body of the content
    • Don’t overuse the keyword
  4. Add keyword in <H2>
    • Use Focus Keyword in heading 2
    • Don’t overuse the keyword in <H2>
  5. Use keyword in body
    • Use Focus keyword in overall content in multiple places but don’t over use
      the keyword consistency Don’t forget to use the keyword in Alt tag
  6. As best practice using keyword in image URL
    • Don’t forget to add ALT tag in images Use focus keyword in image alt tag
      to optimize the images
    • Avoid keywords in outbound links
  7. Same focus keyword in multiple posts
    • Easy and effective technique to use focus keyword in image URL to optimize the
      images for image search
  8. Focus on content length
    • Don’t use focus keyword in image outbound link
  9. Keyword in multiple posts
    • Don’t use the same focus keyword in multiple posts as focus keyword.
  10. Focus on content length
    • Post longer content
    • <= 300 words / post = Bad
    • > 300 words / post = Fine
    • > 1000 words / post = Good

Improve blog post ranking on search engine infographic

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